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On Liz Banfield’s first trip to Sicily she was eager to explore the island without rushing herself. Taking time along the North coast before traversing across the island to the Southeast, she discovered incredible ruins, medieval towns, cultural hot spots, rolling hills and cove beaches.
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“All I have to do is show this to my husband and we will have a trip booked to Cuba.”
— Andréa Dixon
"Seriously, it was such a treat to have you do all the hard (but fun) work of laying out the itinerary. We made so many great memories and ended up going to a part of the U.S. that we normally wouldn't have gone. "
— Karen Moen
“Thanks again for booking my team’s travel. Such a huge help as I'm juggling lots of balls on this project!”
— Maribeth Romslo
“ I had the Roam Guide up on my phone during the length of our trip. We kept referencing it - you guys are the best!”
— Erin Ruehle Schmidtke
“In a world of information overload, curated content you can trust is essential.”
— Rody Lundgren
Seriously we did very little planning. I just downloaded the itinerary and did what they recommended.
– Wendy Witherspoon
I was so impressed! As a local photographer and guide, your article was spot on. From great information and reviews, to environmentally friendly recommendations.
— Michelle Glaittli